Thursday, September 11, 2008


I decided not to do any more triathlons this season. I did the last, Cy-man, on Sunday. I was considering another race in Iowa City on 9/21 but I decided I didn't need to spend $60 on a race and $60 on gas when I wasn't swimming and cycling as much as I should. That is because all attention is now focused on the RUN.

The Des Moines Marathon is on 10/19. So, I have 5 weeks to go. I have a 20 mile run this weekend, and one the last weekend of the month and then I will taper to shorter runs. Running 20 miles wouldn't be SO bad if I ran faster. Then it wouldn't take me 4 hours. That is a long, long time to run. It is hard to keep your mind focused and yet unfocused. . .focused on getting the run completed, and yet unfocused on all the aches and pains you develop along the way. And at the end of the long run is the longed for and dreaded ice bath. It hurts like hell at first, but then it feels so good.

I ran 8 miles this morning, in the dark. That's not my favorite, but it was nice to get it done and out of the way. I twisted my ankle a bit, but it doesn't feel too bad so I am hoping nothing more will come of it.

The Boy was awake and watching TV when I came downstairs at 5 am this morning. I got mad at him for being up so early. Guess what, he fell asleep and was asleep on the couch when I got home a little after 7am. OOPS. I guess he really was more tired than he thought. . . I told him he was! Anyway, so that resulted in rushing around so he could get to school, and then lateness at work for me.

I finished a pair of Jaywalker socks for myself and am about 80% done with my first Monkey Sock for Kasi's 18th birthday.

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