Monday, April 28, 2008


To get out and do either a run or a bike ride tonight is waning. I was thinking I would do my grueling bike hill workout, but it is like 45 degrees, cloudy and windy making it feel like 35. I think NOT. I will get up and run in the dark and the cold tomorrow, but I just can't stomach the wind and the hill tonight. This means I need to commit myself to do the PRC Training Duathlon on Thursday night at Big Creek. I am not wild about this, but my son is babysitting so I would have to be there anyway. I will just suck it up and do that. Looks like Weds and Thurs will both be low 70's but then colder for the weekend. This spring is getting to be depressing.

All my plants think it's spring, but I am afraid they may get too cold tonight and get frosted. That happened last year and some of the plants can't take another spring like that again. I was out working in the yard a bit yesterday afternoon preparing for some tree planting next weekend and I noticed a few spots where there was some ground heaving (not nice) and a few plants that didn't make it through the winter.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I love forsythia.

ran the Drake Relays 8K road race today. A respectable 51-ish minutes. I tried for a bike ride afterwards but the wind and cold temps killed me so I cut it short.

I have a training session with a swimming coach on Monday. I hope he can help me get faster - go Mel, go!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

SockQuest - I'm dead

These lovely socks made by Eli and Brenda slayed me last weekend.

School is fantastic. Who would have thought that I liked school?

Wednesday night ritual ride was a blast last night

Monday, April 7, 2008


A month since I last posted. That's sad. It's mostly spring, but still cold. Socks are being knitted for SockQuest, and classes are being taken by me. I believe I got an A in my first class. YAY! I am still over my desired weight, but the Half Ironman training started last week and is going well.