Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I am a blog slacker. . .so shoot me.

I just finished my second Tri of the season. I finished in 3:13, a PR (personal record) for me. Triathlon is a bit of insanity, a bit of addiction, and a whole lot of fun. I have pushed myself mentally and physically beyond anything I would have ever thought possible. It has been a mind opening experience. In less than 2 weeks I will race in my first ever Half Ironman Triathlon. I am nervous. . .CRAZY nervous. . . but I will show up to the race, and I will give it everything I have. With luck, I will finish. . .with better luck I will not be DFL (dead-fucking-last). . .but I'd rather be DFL than DNF (did-not-finish) or DNS (did-not start).

A doctor who finishes medical school DFL is still a doctor. Someone who goes to medical school but doesn't quite make it still tried, but to not even start on a dream is a great loss.

Triathlon is the reason I am in graduate school finally. I didn't want my life to be a DNS.