Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Was nice. . .but weird. My in-laws didn't end up making it up here due to weather and illness. It was very strange not to have them around. We did have some good friends over, though, and it was fun hanging out with them. It was very relaxing, and it was nice not to have anyone have to rush off anywhere.

My son, who is almost 12, has been very bad lately. He thought he wasn't going to get any Christmas presents since his grandparents weren't here and he didn't think we'd gotten him any. Therefore, he slept in until 9:30. I can't remember the last time he did that. DH and I finally went upstairs and woke him up. "What's the point," he says. "Well, are you SURE that you aren't getting anything for Christmas?" That got him out of bed in a hurry. While he didn't get a lot of stuff, he did get 3 books (one of which he had been pining for), a kettlebell, chocolate, a Punisher t-shirt, and an MP3 player. Now we have to figure how to get songs on the thing. In any case, I guess mom and dad don't completely suck.

So, since no in-laws came over, the three pairs of hand-knitted socks are still sitting under the Christmas tree. I get to enjoy them a week longer.

I finished the Irish Hiking Scarf. I tried starting a new pair of socks, but I keep failing miserably with this pattern. I may just make these into a pair of basic socks and try this pattern on another yarn.

Only one more week before I get to start training for Triathlon 2008! I am thrilled.

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