Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mondays are for. . .

Going to work - blech. I hate my job. Other than some of the coworkers, absolutely nothing about it is redeeming at this point.

Getting minimal knitting done because your after work consists of taking your child to an appointment where you argue with him for 40 minutes and pay for the privilege of doing so.

Buying groceries with your irritating offspring.

Cooking dinner for disinterested parties.

Arguing with said offspring for the remainder of the evening regarding homework. I swear I don't know why I only have like 5 or 6 gray hairs, because I really feel like I have a whole head full of them.

Let's just say that today (Tuesday) isn't much better. I am going to sit and knit for an hour, however. 30 minutes will be spent on the hat from hell and another 30 minutes on the scarf that I am enjoying. I will make myself work on the hat first.

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