Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Morning

Ok, it must be Monday morning. I am trying to create a new blog here. The old one. . .well, let's just say it's lost. Anyway. I have now screwed this one up three times.

The father in law socks are finished. I finished them last night. I would have finished them in the car on the way home from Kansas City, but the windshield kept icing over, I was forced to strip down to my tank top, and any extra lights in the car were not acceptable. Oh well. They're done anyway.

So, now I need to finish my research and purchasing for Christmas dinner. We're having a Hawaiian themed dinner this year. Other than pineapple, pork and SPAM I don't know what I'm making yet. Should be interesting.

1 comment:

anita said...


ok, that's good to know. what am i bringing?